Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Invitation to join the group 'Study in Galatians using Luther's commentary' at Christian Classics Ethereal Library

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Study in Galatians using Luther's commentary
This is a study in Galatians using Luther's commentary and other material
found at ccel and elsewhere
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The Unexplainable Store

Today I'd like to talk about the basic steps of meditation.  In essence, meditation is a general term that has many different applications.  It's an activity where the participant quiets the mind and embraces the power and mystery of the universe in an attempt to reach a higher state of enlightenment.  Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism, and Taoism are just a few of the religions that practice meditation, but non-religious applications are practiced worldwide as well.
 Let's take a look at the aspects of meditation that are accepted by all traditions.
 Step One: It's likely your environment is at constant risk of being disrupted by distractions.  Turn off the television, shut down your phone, and try to do what you can to reduce jarring noises.  If you're in a shared space with people who will likely disrupt your meditation be sure to talk to them ahead of time.
 Alternately, you can find a place outside of your home to practice meditation.  Parks commonly have the perfect place to find inner peace.  Some Universities and Community Centers have places specifically set up for the purpose of meditation.  You'd be surprised how common but hidden good peaceful places are.  Just be sure to plan ahead and know the location you're going in to.  Comfort is key when finding a location.  Once you've found your spot, sit in a comfortable position (close your eyes if you wish) and begin step two.
 Step Two:  Control your breathing.  You've probably heard it before, but breathing is one of the absolute most important aspects of meditation.  Breathe in slowly and rhythmically letting air fill your lungs.  Feel the life essence of the universe drawn into your body as you bring it in.  And as you exhale, understand that each exhalation is an opportunity to feel the joys of inhaling more life.  Goal oriented people may find it more difficult to meditate at first, and that will manifest in quicker breathing.  Understand there is no rush, and that the very activity you are performing is the goal in itself.  After understanding this your deep slow rhythmic breathing will fill you with a sense of life and joy.
 Step Three:  This step is the next level of meditation.  Detach yourself from your mind, by observation of your own thoughts.  Do not judge your thoughts or try to change them.  Just observe.  As you observe your thoughts you gain insight into who you really are.  You cease to be the mind observing the mind.  Your conscious elevates out of the subconscious so you can see what is really going on behind it all.  This step is one of the most difficult for some people, who must always be in control of what they're thinking.
 Step Four: After observing the mind and becoming detached, you may find some form of inner peace and understand that you are immovable like a young tree in the wind.  Though larger trees will be snapped over by great gusts of a tornado or a hurricane, the sapling bends and remains rooted to the ground unmoving.  In this way you too you will feel unmoving and solid.  Around this sensation you will feel serenity and peace.
 These basic steps should take you far on your journey.  Additionally, we have several helpful entrainment programs that can take you through the meditation process.  Our meditation entrainment therapy actually focuses your brain waves in a way that makes meditation both easier and more rewarding.  Be sure to check it out at: http://www.store. unexplainable.net/products/ meditation.php
 These are powerful basic steps that will lead you on the path to serenity and oneness with the whole universe.  Next time we'll take a look at a few steps toward deeper meditation, and look at some of the more ritual aspects such as the classic and sacred "Ohm" sound.
 Thank you for taking the time to read our presentation on Meditation.  We're looking forward to tackling the next subject and bringing you closer to inner peace.
 See you then,

Gal 2:1-10 Paul continues to establish supremacy of call by Christ, and independence from the other Apostles

Gal 2:1 Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also. 2And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain. 3But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised: 4And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: 5To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. 6But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me: 7But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; 8(For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:) 9And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision. 10Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do.

Senin, 25 Juli 2011


There's lots of different ways to meditate. Each is a different system with broadly the same effect. Check out these different meditation methods to see which suits you best.

Walking meditation

This is of the simplest ways to meditate, although obviously it is not as separate from the remainder of the world as you require to be aware of your surroundings. With a running meditation you pay attention to your feelings & your surroundings. Permit yourself0 minutes or so & if feasible pick a place where you are away from traffic. A local park is lovely. Then go for a delicate walk & take in the area. Notice the smells & sounds & pay attention to what you see.

Breathing meditation

At its simplest, you discover a calm place where you won't be disturbed & start to take deeper breaths than you'd normally take. Breathe in a long, slow, deep breath. If feasible hold it for a second or before releasing it, again slowly. Repeat this over again, at least times & ideally more. You'll find that this is a fast way to bring about a more relaxed state in your body.

Binaural beats meditation

Cosmic meditation

This is the "modern" way to meditate & is the system I personally use regularly. You can purchase this type of meditation & then play it on your CD or MP3 player. You require to discover a place where you won't be disturbed for the length of the track, which is usually 30 to 60 minutes. The track will play a background noise - usually rainfall or music - as well as binaural beats. These beats play slightly different tones, in to each ear. Your brain then tries to resolve the small difference between the tones & it is this which brings out a meditative state with next to no work on your part. This type of meditation is powerful - don't get taken in by its simplicity!

Guided meditation

 similar to the binaural beats meditation, this is usually linked to Cosmic Ordering which is a structured type of Napoleon Hill's ideas from Think & Grow Rich. A cosmic meditation usually takes the type of a guided meditation which will get you relaxed & then let you send your current wish or goals list on to the cosmos.

There is a lot of of these obtainable on the net. They usually last between0 & 60 minutes. Usually a guided meditation will start with a relaxation procedure so that you are relaxed & receptive for the main part of the meditation. It will then move on to the actual aim of the meditation, whether this is deep relaxation, healing your body, contacting your higher self or any other aim you have chosen. You can pick a single guided meditation or they are often sold in bundles of several guided meditations.

Whichever way of meditation you pick to make use of, you'll find that it helps to relax you & relieve the stresses & strains that appear to accompany our modern lifestyle.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Selamat datang di  PTC, semoga ini merupakan awal sukses anda.
 Keberanian memulai hidup baru dan tantangan
dalam kebebasan finansial untuk mendapatkan pendapatan $1000 per bulan terus menerus
Bersama PTC yang handal dan terpercaya
Kata sukses sudah ditangan anda mari kita mulai program PTC baru.
Bagi siapapun yang ingin sukses besar di PTC meskipun  anda seorang  PEMULA

Bagi  yang sudah lama bergelut dengan PTC
Namun belum juga mencapai kesuksesan, ayo bersama kita ubah haluan
dengan menggunakan cara cara yang berbeda dari biasanya sehingga
kegagalan kegagalan masa lalu tak terulang kembali.
Cukup kerja selama 9 menit per hari.
Sukses Bermain PTC memang bukanlah perkara mudah, terutama bagi anda yang belum mengetahui strateginya.
jutaan neter yang sudah menggeluti bisnis PTC hanya sebagian kecil yang berhasil meraih penghasilan diatas Rp.10 juta per bulan. Itupun dicapai dengan menjadi member di puluhan PTC dan dalam waktu tahunan.
Bisnis PTC memang mengumpulkan recehan  sebesar $0.01 atau Rp.90 ,- per klik, bahkan ada yang hanya sebesar $0.001 per kliknya, alias Rp.9 ,- saja, Jadi jangan harap bisa cepat kaya atau berpenghasilan Jutaan per bulan jika dijalankan secara biasa saja atau salah pilih PTC nya.
Bagaimana klicker  PTC mampu meraih kesuksesan dengan penghasilan jutaan per bulan.  
Karena mereka melakukan hal hal sebagai berikut :

1. Gabung di puluhan PTC yang handal
2. Ngeklik iklan sebanyak banyaknya dari puluhan PTC setiap hari
2. Berani mengupgrade jenis keanggotaan dari anggota gratis jadi berbayar.
3. Berhasil memiliki ratusan bahkan ribuan referal aktif per ptc
4. Harus sangat sabar mengumpulkan uang recehan
5. Harus aktif di forum PTC bersangkutan.
Tanpa mampu memenuhi syarat sukses diatas maka jangan harap anda bisa mencapai kesuksesan alias punya penghasilan jutaan bahkan puluhan juta per bulan dari PTC. Semua itu bukanlah perkara ringan  !!!.
Banyak kliker yang tak mampu memenuhi syarat diatas sehingga satu per satu kliker PTC berguguran di tengah jalan, bahkan tak sedikit situs PTCnya ikutan berguguran di tengah perjalanan. Bayangkan jika anda sudah memiliki begitu banyak referal aktif di PTC tersebut kemudian PTC itu BANGKRUT.. PASTILAH NYESEK BANGET RASANYA. maka jangan sampai salah pilih PTC.
Saya sudah bermain PTC sejak tahun 2008, khususnya PTC luar negeri. Ratusan PTC sudah saya ikuti namun sampai sekarang hanya beberapa saja yang mampu bertahan. Sebagian besar PTC gugur di tengah jalan dengan aneka sebab yang berbeda beda. Kini tinggal 10 PTC luar yang sudah berusia diatas 5 tahun yang tetap bertahan dan membayar membernya dengan baik.

Kasus  kehilangan referal karena PTC bangkrut,
bagi saya sudah menjadi hal biasa.
Memang, memiliki banyak referal merupakan
satu kunci keberhasilan bermain PTC.
namun Perlu anda ketahui bahwa dari 100 referal yang kita beli,
maksimal hanya 30% yang akan menjadi referal aktif,
artinya untuk memiliki 100 referal aktif anda harus
membeli minimal 350 referal.
Rata rata harga referal Rp.10.000 ,-
berarti dibutuhkan dana pembelian referal sebesar  
Rp.3.500.000 ,-, per PTC
Padahal anda ikutan puluhan PTC,
itu saja masih belum pasti, sebab ditengah perjalanan
beberapa dari mereka ada saja yang berguguran.
Itulah pemasalahan besar yang seringkali menghambat KESUKSESAN dalam bermain PTC.

Mampukah anda menyediakan modal sebesar itu ?.
Itu belum termasuk biaya Upgrade keanggotaan per bulan atau per 3 bulan atau per tahun yang nilainya berkisar antara Rp.100.000,- sd Rp.1.500.000,-

Selain Referal, Upgrade menjadi hal yang dianggap penting dalam meraih sukses bersama PTC, sebab dengan upgrade nilai per klik yang didapatkan menjadi jauh lebih besar dibandingkan member gratis/free/biasa.
Ia dapat mendongkrak penghasilan yang didapatkan dari para referalnya. Sangat sedikit kliker yang SUDAH mempunyai banyak referal namun tetap berada dalam posisi member free, mereka selalu melakukan  upgrade keanggotaannya menjadi premium .

Artinya untuk sukses cepat di PTC melalui cara yang sudah biasa, anda harus mengeluarkan biaya minimal Rp.4.000.000,- per PTC .
Padahal anda mengikuti puluhan PTC
Dengan menggunakan strategi dari kami anda tidak perlu menanggung beban berat seperti diatas.
1. Tanpa harus mengklik ratusan  iklan per hari
2. Tanpa harus mencari/membeli ratusan referal
3. Tanpa harus melakukan upgrade keanggotaan dengan modal sendiri.
4. Tanpa harus mengeluarkan  biaya jutaan
5. Tanpa harus bergabung dengan  10 - 30 PTC .
Disini kita CUKUP  bergabung dengan 3 PTC yang terbukti membayar para membernya dan sudah eksis sejak lebih dari 5 tahun yang lalu.
Pada tabel di bawah ini terlihat bahwa anda hanya membutuhkan 7 referal dan omset $1 per bulan per PTC, dimana dari setiap PTC kita akan mendapatkan penghasilan sekitar $220 sd $1.400 per bulan. Total penghasilan maksimal anda akan mencapai
$3.240 per bulan
Rp. 25.000.000 ,- per bulan.
Itu hitungan hasil OPTIMAL Disini kita tidak perlu cepat mencapai titik Optimal, cukup dengan mencapai sepertiganya saja yaitu $1000 per bulan
dicapai dalam jangka waktu kurang dari setahun
sehingga jauh lebih realistis.

DISINI dengan menggunakan strategi yang kami miliki, SUKSES di 3 PTC tersebut menjadi hal BIASA. Melalui cara ini, Kami sangat berharap akan banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang mengalami perbaikan hidup meskipun  situasi ekonomi semakin terasa berat kemampuan daya beli terus merosot.
Ini salah satu kesempatan besar dalam memperbaiki hidup bangsa.
Strategi ini dianggap AMPUH dalam meraih penghasilan hingga $1000 per bulan secara terus menerus. Ya.. bukan hanya sekali,dua kali tetapi terus menerus tiada henti. Apabila kita konsisten menjalankan strategi ini maka Penghasilan itu dapat anda capai dalam waktu 3 bulan saja, selanjutnya anda hanya tinggal mengklik iklan setiap hari dengan waktu kerja hanya 9 menit.
Bayangkan kerja 9 menit per hari
berpenghasilan $1000 per bulan
setara dengan Rp. 8.500.000 ,- per bulan

Dengan Strategi Ampuh ini :
1. Anda akan mudah mendapatkan referal
2. Anda tidak perlu mencari ratusan referal,
cukup punya 7 referal aktif,
3. Anda akan  mendapatkan cara menjadikan referal anda menjadi aktif sebanyak yang anda butuhkan
4. Anda bisa mendapatkan referal hanya dengan harga
Rp.1.000,- sd Rp.2.000,- per referal.
5.  Anda tidak perlu melakukan klik hingga ratusan iklan setiap harinya,
cukup mengklik 20 iklan saja per hari
6.  Anda hanya perlu  menyediakan waktu kerja  9 menit per hari, bahkan bagi yang sudah biasa hanya dibutuhkan 5 menit  per hari,

Bersama 3 PTC itu,  Anda sudah bisa SUKSES
meraih penghasilan ribuan dollar per bulan.Sebagian  Strategi ini bisa juga anda terapkan pada  banyak PTC Lain yang jumlahnya hingga ratusan. Semua bertebaran di dunia maya.

Enaknya lagi, bersama 3 PTC ini
1. Anda tidak perlu memberikan cashback
kepada para referal anda.
2. Anda bisa melakukan payout setiap 2 minggu,
2 minggu kemudian anda sudah
menerima pembayaran.
Selain itu
Karena tujuan dari bisnis ini adalah SUKSES BERSAMA,
maka  kita akan bekerja saling bahu membahu hingga
seluruhnya meraih kesuksesan