Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Subliminal Mini Course Part 3: Subliminal Messaging MYTHS Exposed

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Subliminal Mini Course Part 3: Subliminal Messaging MYTHS EXPOSED!

 (+ Improve Confidence Product Focus)
Hi murbei good,
Welcome to part 3 of our subliminal messaging mini course!

Last time I discussed the technical side of subliminal messaging, I hope it cleared any questions on how things work "behind the scenes". Today I'm going to expose some of the myths surrounding subliminal messaging, and in the process make it clear exactly what subliminal messaging is (and isn't!!) capable of.

When people first hear about subliminal messaging they are generally skeptical - you probably are too, as the concept of subliminal messaging may be completely new to you. It may sound too good to be true that you can listen to a CD without even hearing a voice, but then experience deep internal changes.

We get many skeptical questions like "whats the catch?" , "is it really effortless?" "what else do I have to do?", "will I wake up in the morning and be able to <insert desired skill>?"

Well, first of all there really is no catch, however we don't want to mislead people - you will not wake up in the morning after listening to one of our CDs / MP3s once and be able to speak Spanish / have perfect memory / be totally self confident etc etc.

Subliminal messaging simply acts as an aid to support and enhance your conscious goals. So if you are already taking Spanish classes but struggling, or training to improve your sports skills, then subliminal messaging will compliment your conscious efforts by ensuring your subconscious mind is completely focused on your goal too. This means that you will be much more likely to succeed at any task with the power of subliminal messaging.

Taking the example above for instance; if you are not taking any Spanish classes or studying at home then our subliminal album will not help you to learn Spanish on its own. However if you are studying, then it will ENHANCE and ACCELERATE the rate of which you will learn.

Subliminal messaging will not work for you if you are lazy and want an instant fix to your problems without having to put in any effort yourself. However if you are driven to succeed and want to do everything you possibly can to ensure your success then subliminal messaging will EFFORTLESSLY enhance your ability to achieve your goals quicker and easier!

We have included this info in the mini course as this explanation has helped the skeptical people who contact us to understand the concept of subliminal messaging.

We now have HUNDREDS of you skeptics as our customers (who have reported some amazing changes and fantastic results from using our albums). We will share with you some of the success stories we have received from such "converted skeptics" in a couple of issues time.

View our full range of 200+ subliminal albums - all available on CD or as an instant mp3 download and join our happy community of former skeptics :)

Improve Confidence Product Focus

Today's product focus features one of our most popular and longstanding albums:

Improve Confidence: Will help you to gain the confidence to "be yourself" - live in the moment , and say whats on your mind. Find greater success in all of your pursuits with a new increased level of core confidence.

A lack of confidence can hold you back in so many areas of your life - perhaps your working life, social life, love life. Shy and insecure people get overlooked for job promotions, lack the nerve to ask out a potential date, and often end up following rather than leading.

For truly confident people the opposite is true. They get opportunities in life, they get respect, trust, and take what they want - and what they deserve.

Use this album to rewire your mind and acquire the qualities and characteristics of naturally confident people.

As a subscriber to our newsletter, for a LIMITED TIME ONLY you can save 10% off this album - just enter the following promocode when you get to the checkout screen:
As a new subscriber this code will only last for 3 days, so get your album before this opportunity expires!

Start Today! Change Your Life and Achieve Your Dreams!

In the next issue I'm going to explain how subliminal therapy compares to hypnosis, and which method of development would suit your circumstances and personality type best.
To your success!

Dan Bainbridge
Director - Real Subliminal
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